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You can contact me (Gerald Bauer) by email. Before you send your email to gerald@vamphq.com please read the rules below first otherwise your email might end up unread in my trash.
Use plain text only. Please avoid sending HTML or "Stylelized" email as my mail reader cannot handle it and your message body will end up in an attachment. Please read on.
No attachments. Unfortunately my inbox gets swamped with junk mail daily using fake addresses and subject lines. I only can protect myself from viruses and unwelcome multimedia tutti-frutti by automatically deleting all emails infected with attachments as soon as the hit my inbox.
Use descriptive subject lines. Fast-track your mail using a nospam marker. The more detail you can squeeze into the fewest words in the subject line, the better. Avoid generic lines such as "Your Website" or teasers such as "Apache Foundation". Fast-track your mail by starting your subject line with the word "[Luxor]" marking it as nospam.
Luxor support questions. Please, refrain from sending your Luxor support questions to my personal email address (that is, gerald@vamphq.com) as I usually bounce them back untouched unless you hire me. Instead please join the Luxor user mailing list and send your questions to the mailing list where I or fellow Luxor users and enthusiasts will answer your questions. If you got an answer, be fair enough an help out someone else latter.
Gold Support Package.
Note, that I am also available for hire in case
you need dedicated support.
See Yes, I'm available - Hire Me
for details.
Elektronische Post in Deutsch ist willkommen solange sie mit der Anrede Sehr geehrter Herr Mag. Gerald Bauer beginnt ;-). (Das ist ein Scherz. Gerald ist ausreichend auch wenn ich mich sieben Jahre für den akademischen Titel abmühte und an der österreichischen Bürokratie fast verzweifelte. Bitte Duz' mich, da ich gegen "Sie" oder unpersönliche Passivkonstruktionen allergisch bin. Danke für Dein Verständnis.)
Bitte schick' all' Deine Luxor Fragen an die Deutsche Luxor Mailingliste (luxor-xul-deutsch) wo ich gern' offene Fragen kläre. Aus Zeitgründen kann ich private Luxor Fragen ohne Bezahlung leider nicht beantworten.
Gerald Bauer is an independent Java, XML and Web consultant and open-source advocate proficient in C#.
He has a proven track record of creating highly-innovative solutions that work in mission critical, day-to-day production systems and deliver superior business value. Early examples are WQL (Word SQL), an extensible, embeddable template engine, created in 1994 or EttiML, a markup language for labels, created in 1995 that features layout managers superior to what Java AWT/Swing offers today.
More recently, Gerald open sourced
(Resource Loading Toolkit for Web Start/JNLP)
and Luxor
(Java XML User Interface Toolkit).
He also started and maintains the
Unofficial Web Start/JNLP FAQ
and develops the
Venus Application Publisher (Vamp)
for Web Start/JNLP tool suite.
He holds a Master's Degree in social and economic sciences
from the
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
, Austria
and was choosen for the International Management Program at
New York University's Stern Business School
Gerald enjoys traveling and just recently returned from his trip from the Canadian Rockies. He eats, works and sleeps in Vancouver, British Columbia.
If you like wine, you can try my parent's Veltliner, Burgunder or Chardonnay.
Check out
fhbauer.at - Weinhauerhof Franz und Herta Bauer
to find out more about my parent's family-run winery in Donauland in Austria.
Note, that the site is in German.
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For questions related to the use of Luxor,
please consult our web pages.
If that fails, the luxor-xul-user mailinglist
might help.
Please send comments on our web pages and the development of Luxor to our public luxor-xul-develop mailinglist. |
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