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Box - A box holds a bunch of UI elements (aka widgets) that it lays out usually from top-to-bottom (vertically) or from left-to-right (horizontally). A box is similar to a Swing JPanel. Luxor, however, discriminates between low-level, close-to-the-metal boxes and high-level, user-centric forms.
Chrome - An app's XUL files usually packed up in a jar.
Form - A form holds user input controls to collect user data. A form is similar to a Swing JPanel, but offers input validation, XML data import/export and more and it discriminates between low-level UI elements (aka widgets) and high-level user input controls.
Luxor - Open-Source XML User Interface Language (XUL) Toolkit (More Info at http://luxor-xul.sourceforge.net)
Mozilla -
Open-Source, cross-plattform, industry-strength, household
browser supporting web standards (CSS1, CSS2, HTML, XML, and more)
and plug-ins.
(More Info at http://www.mozilla.org
Portal - Multiple portlets plus some sprinkled static XHTML fragments make up a complete web page also known as portal.
Portlet - Portlets (also known as HTML pagelets or HTML controls) are basically like servlets, but return HTML snippets instead of complete HTML pages.
Python -
Pyhton is Luxor's scripting language of choice.
Luxor includes Jyhton, an open-source 100% Java Python interpreter.
Pyhton is as easy to use and learn as JavaScript/VBScript (if not easier)
but doesn't leave you hanging once you venture beyond one-liners.
Python, for example, supports dynamic typing, includes built-in data structures such as lists or dictionaries, supports
programming-in-the-large through modules, classes, exceptions and more.
(More Info at http://www.python.org
and http://www.jython.org
Resource Anchor - An empty class packed up with your app's resources (such as icons, templates, properties, etc.) in a jar to let you locate the jar without a file name.
Vamp -
short for Venus Application Publisher; Vamp is tool suite that
helps you package, sign and publish Web Start/JNLP apps. Vamp is
built on top of Luxor.
(More Info at http://www.vamphq.com
Velocity -
An open-source, embeddable, multi-purpose, template engine. Velocity, an
Apache Jakarta project, offers a simple yet powerful scripting language
(known as Velocity Template Language) as an alternative
to Java Server Pages.
(More Info at http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity
Web Start -
Web Start allows you to start full-featured desktop
apps with a single click from your Web browser.
(More Info at http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart
XUL - short for XML User Interface Language; the corner stone for building rich, cross-platform, zero-admin desktop apps on open standards today
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please consult our web pages.
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might help.
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Maintained by Luxor Team
Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Luxor Foundation |