Luxor XUL Gallery
Overview - Your Examples Are Welcome
To give you a quick tour of Luxor XUL this gallery
shows you the behind-the-scene XUL markup along with
screenshots of how the markup looks like on stage in concert.
Your contributions are welcome.
Please send your compositions to the Luxor mailinglist or to a Luxor team member and we will hang them up in the showroom along with proper credit.
Finally, here are the highlights of the summer collection 2002:
<toolbar id="MAIN_TOOLBAR">
<toolbarbutton command="new" label="New"
icon="NEW_ICON" tooltip="Create new package"
accesskey="N" />
<toolbarbutton command="open" label="Open"
icon="OPEN_ICON" tooltip="Open existing Jnlp file"
accesskey="O" />
<toolbarbutton command="save" label="Save"
icon="SAVE_ICON" tooltip="Save Jnlp file"
accesskey="S" />
<toolbarbutton command="test" label="Test"
icon="TEST_ICON" tooltip="Test Jnlp Package"
accesskey="T" />
<toolbarbutton command="addInformation" label="Info"
icon="ADD_INFORMATION_ICON" tooltip="Add Information Section"
accesskey="I" />
<toolbarbutton command="addIcon" label="Icon"
icon="ADD_ICON_ICON" tooltip="Add Icon"
accesskey="C" />
<toolbarbutton command="addResources" label="Resources"
icon="ADD_RESOURCES_ICON" tooltip="Add Resources Section"
accesskey="R" />
<toolbarbutton command="addJar" label="Jar"
icon="ADD_JAR_ICON" tooltip="Add Java Archive"
accesskey="J" />
<toolbarbutton command="addNativeLib" label="Native Lib"
icon="ADD_NATIVE_LIB_ICON" tooltip="Add Native Library"
accesskey="L" />
<toolbarbutton command="addExtension" label="Extension"
icon="ADD_EXTENSION_ICON" tooltip="Add Extension"
accesskey="E" />
<menubar id="MAIN_MENUBAR">
<menu id="file" label="File" accesskey="F">
<menuitem command="new" label="New..."
accesskey="N" key="new"
icon="NEW_ICON" />
<menuitem command="newApplication" label="New Application"
accesskey="A" icon="BLANK_ICON" />
<menuitem command="newApplet" label="New Applet"
accesskey="P" icon="BLANK_ICON" />
<menuitem command="newComponent" label="New Component"
accesskey="C" icon="BLANK_ICON" />
<menuitem command="newInstaller" label="New Installer"
accesskey="I" icon="BLANK_ICON" />
<menuitem command="open" label="Open..."
accesskey="O" key="open"
icon="OPEN_ICON" />
<menuitem command="openUrl" label="Open URL..."
accesskey="U" key="open-url"
icon="BLANK_ICON" />
<menuref id="RECENT_FILES" label="Open Recent File"
icon="BLANK_ICON" />
<menuitem command="save" label="Save"
accesskey="S" key="save"
icon="SAVE_ICON" />
<menuitem command="saveAs" label="Save As..."
accesskey="V" icon="BLANK_ICON" />
<menuitem command="exit" label="Exit"
accesskey="X" icon="EXIT_ICON" />
<menu id="help" label="Help" accesskey="H">
<displayurl label="Venus Application Publisher Home Page"
icon="BLANK_ICON" />
<displayurl label="Venus Application Publisher Discussion Forum"
icon="BLANK_ICON" />
<displayurl label="Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)"
icon="BLANK_ICON" />
<displayurl label="Java Web Start Home Page"
icon="BLANK_ICON" />
<displayurl label="Java Web Start Discussion Forum"
icon="BLANK_ICON" />
<displayurl label="Java Web Start FAQ"
icon="BLANK_ICON" />
<menuitem command="about"
label="About..." icon="ABOUT_ICON" />
<list id="woodtype">
<entry value="Mahogany" />
<entry value="Maplewood" />
<entry value="Pine" />
<entry value="Cherry" />
<list id="size">
<entry value="King" />
<entry value="Queen" />
<entry value="Twin" />
<entry value="Single" />
<groupbox id="bedView">
<caption label="Ordering Your New Bed" />
<label value="Name:"/>
<text id="name" />
<label value="Address:"/>
<text id="address" cols="30" />
<label value="City:" />
<text id="city" />
<label value="State:" />
<text id="state" cols="2" />
<label value="Zipcode:" />
<text id="zip" cols="5" />
<label value="Customer Code:" />
<password id="code" cols="8" />
<label value="Type of wood:" />
<choice id="woodtype" list="woodtype" />
<label value="Size:" />
<choice id="size" list="size" type="radio" />
<label value="Extras:" />
<checkbox label="Footband" />
<checkbox label="Drawers (for underneath)" />
<checkbox label="Casters" />
<checkbox label="Squeak proofing" />
<label value="Please share any suggestions or comments with us:" />
<textarea id="comments" rows="3" cols="65" />
<button id="submit" label="Order Bed" />
<button id="reset" label="Start Over" />
<td> <label id="LOCALE_LABEL" value="Locale:" /> </td>
<td horz="MAX"> <choice id="LOCALE_INPUT" map="LOCALE" /> </td>
<td> <label id="TITLE_LABEL" value="Title:" /> </td>
<td horz="MAX"> <text id="TITLE_INPUT" history="info.title" /> </td>
<label id="VENDOR_LABEL" value="Vendor:" />
<td horz="MAX">
<text id="VENDOR_INPUT" history="info.vendor" />
<label id="HOMEPAGE_LABEL" value="Homepage:" />
<td horz="MAX">
<text id="HOMEPAGE_INPUT" history="info.homepage" />
<checkbox id="OFFLINE_ALLOWED_INPUT" label="Offline allowed" />
<td horz="MAX" vert="MAX" colspan="2" >
<gadget id="DESCRIPTION_PANEL" />
Hosted by SourceForge
For questions related to the use of Luxor,
please consult our web pages.
If that fails, the luxor-xul-user mailinglist
might help.
Please send comments on our web pages and the development of
Luxor to our public luxor-xul-develop mailinglist.
Maintained by Luxor Team
Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
Luxor Foundation