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This page presents a quick reference to the XulManager
The XulManager
class provides centralized access
to your menus, toolbars, portals, templates, icons, and more
stored in your app's chrome.
Xul Manager API Overview
Method | Description |
String getPortal( String id )
returns a portal (that is, a HTML page) as a String
String getTemplate( String name )
returns a processed Apache Velocity template as a String ; getHTML()
is a convenience method that automatically prepends html/ to
the passed in name; otherwise it's completely identical to getTemplate()
String getPre( String key )
return a preformatted text possibly stretching over multiple lines |
JPopupMenu lookupPopup( String key )
creates a popup menu defined in XUL |
JComponent createJComponentFromBox( String key )
returns a top-level XUL box (that is, a JPanel in Swing);
a top-level XUL box is a child of xul
and not nested inside another box
XulAction lookupAction( String key )
returns a reference to an action (aka command) |
JMenu lookupMenu( String key )
returns a reference to a registered menu |
XulPortlet lookupPortlet( String id )
returns a reference to a registered portlet |
ImageIcon[] lookupAnim( String key )
returns a set of icons that make up an animation (e.g. for an activity indicator) |
ImageIcon lookupIcon( String key )
returns an icon |
JMenuBar createMenuBar( String key )
creates a menu bar from a XUL definition |
JToolBar createToolBar( String key )
creates a tool bar from a XUL definition |
Data API
Method | Description |
HistoryModel lookupHistory( String key )
returns a reference to a HistoryModel
that is usually stored in a profile; HistoryModel 's
store the user's input for auto-completion
XulMap createMap( String key )
returns a name/value pair table that allows lookup for keys as well as for values (aka reverse lookup) |
String[] createList( String key )
returns a String table defined in the app's chrome
Resource registration API
Method | Description |
addAction( String key, XulAction value )
register an action/command |
addBrowser( String target, BrowserService browser )
register a browser target |
addServlet( String key, XulServlet value )
register a servlet |
addMenu( String key, JMenu menu )
register a menu hard-coded in Java |
addPortlet( String id, XulPortlet portlet )
register a portlet |
Low-level resource getters.
Method | Description |
BufferedImage getResourceAsImage( String name )
returns an image (.gif , .jpg , .png ) stored in the app's chrome
ImageIcon getResourceAsImageIcon( String name )
returns an icon stored in the app's chrome |
String getResourceAsString( String name )
returns a text file stored in the app's chrome as a String
Properties getResourceAsProperties( String name )
returns a properties file stored in the app's chrome as a property table |
org.jdom.Document getResourceAsXmlDocument( String name )
returns an XML document stored in the app's chrome as a parsed JDOM document |
InputStream getResourceAsStream( String name )
returns a reference to the resources's InputStream
URL getResourceAsUrl( String name )
returns the resources's URL stored in the app's chrome |
Config Data API.
Returns strings, ints, string tables and more
stored in Java properties files or in XML config files
in the app's chrome locale
directory tree.
Luxor loads the config data automatically when you
create the chrome resource loader
(e.g. new XulJarResourceLoader( MyChromeAnchor.class )
Method | Description |
String getString( String key )
returns a String stored in the app's locale-dependent chrome
String[] getStringArray( String key )
returns a string array stored in the app's locale-dependent chrome |
int getInt( String key, int defaultValue )
returns an int stored in the app's locale-dependent chrome |
returns a portal (that is, a HTML page) as a string; a portal is dynamic web page made up of portlets and static XHTML snippets. Note, that you need store your portal definitions in the chrome startup tree.
String getPortal( String id )
String getPortal( Map data, String id )
, requiredmap
, optionalPrerequisites:
Use XulManager.addPortlet()
Note, that you cannot use portals before and as consequence you need to store all portal definitions
in the chrome startup
directory tree.
String html = xul.getPortal( "ABOUT" ); String html = xul.getPortal( Chrome.Portal.SYSTEM_INFO ); // "SYSTEM_INFO"
returns a processed Apache Velocity template as a string;
is a convenience method that automatically
prepends html/
to the passed in name;
otherwise it's completely identical to getTemplate()
String getTemplate( String name )
String getTemplate( Map data, String name )
String getHTML( String name )
String getHTML( Map data, String name )
, requireddata
, optionalPrerequisites:
as a consequence never store your templates in your app's chrome
directory tree.
HashMap data = new HashMap(); data.put( "osName", System.getProperty( "os.name", "n/a" ) ); data.put( "osArch", System.getProperty( "os.arch", "n/a" ) ); data.put( "osVersion", System.getProperty( "os.version", "n/a" ) ); XulManager xul = XulManager.getXulManager(); String html = xul.getTemplate( data, "portlet/system-properties.html" );
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For questions related to the use of Luxor,
please consult our web pages.
If that fails, the luxor-xul-user mailinglist
might help.
Please send comments on our web pages and the development of Luxor to our public luxor-xul-develop mailinglist. |
Maintained by Luxor Team
Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Luxor Foundation |