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Quick Overview

Tag Description
anim Defines an animation consisting of frames used as an activity indicator, for example.
box Defines a box that lays out its children either from left to right or from top to bottom, depending if orient is set to horizontalor vertical. Horizontal is default.
button Defines a push button that can display text, icons, or both.
caption Specifies the title for a groupbox.
checkbox Defines a checkbox. A checkbox is a toogle button for choices that are not mutually exclusive. For mutually exclusive choices use radio style toggle buttons, see <choice> for details.
choice Defines a list of mutually exclusive choices, that is, you can pick only one item. You can render the list of choices using either radiobuttons or using a combobox. A combobox is a combination of a text input box and a drop-down list of choices. The user can type a selection or pick one from the drop-down list.
column Defines a column inside a grid.
columns Holds the grid's columns.
command References commands that are registered with Luxor to let you change their description, icon and more.
componentref References gooey compenents that are registered with Luxor panels to let you change their style, access key, tooltip and more. Note, that you can reference Java built panels as well.
datagrid Defines a datagrid. In contrast to table or grid, datagrid's only purpose is to display data in table format using Swing's JTable and you, therefore, cannot use it for page layout.
displayurl Defines a menu item that display a web page in the user's household browser such as Mozilla, Netscape or Opera. In case the user is offline, Luxor can serve up the bundled web page from inside the app's jar itself to the user's household browser.
entry Defines a list entry or a key/value pair for a map.
gadget Gadget is a synonym for componentref. See componentref for details.
grid Holds rows and columns to display as a grid. A grid is an alternative to an HTML table.
groupbox Defines a box that draws a border around its children. Use caption to add an optional title. Lays out its children from top to bottom, that is, vertically, by default.
hbox Defines a box that lays out its children horizontally, that is, from left to right.
icon Describes an icon. Supports GIF and JPG formats.
iframe Defines a browser window. Note, that Luxor currently uses Swing's JEditorPane which only supports HTML 3.2 plus some CSS 1.
image Defines an image. Supports GIF and JPG graphic formats.
key Describes accelerator keys for menu items, buttons or commands.
keyset Holds a set of accelerator keys.
label Defines a label that displays text, an icon, or both. A label doesn't respond to user input.
list Defines a list of strings.
map Defines a list of key/value pairs.
mchoice Defines a list of multiple choices. You can render the list of choices using either checkboxes or using a listbox.
menu Defines a pull-down menu or a submenu within another menu.
menubar Defines a menu bar that displays a set of pull-down menus.
menuitem Describes a menu item.
menupopup Holds menu items and menus.
menuref References a menu registered with Luxor to let you build dynamic menus in Java and add them to your Xul menus.
menuseparator Defines a menu separator that divides menu items into sections.
password Defines a password input box.
popup Defines a right-click ad-hoc popup menu.
portal Defines a web page using HTML snippets known as portlets. Note, that embedded HTML must conform to XHTML. Luxor automatically converts XHTML back to HTML (e.g. <hr/> becomes <hr>).
portlet References portlets registered with Luxor and created in Java. Portlets are similar to servlets. In contrast to servlets, however, portlets return HTML snippets instead of HTML pages. Portlets are also known as HTML controls or HTML paglets.
row Defines a row inside a grid.
rows Holds the grid's rows.
separator Defines a separator. Note, for separators inside menus use <menuseparator> .
spacer Takes up space but doesn't display anything.
stylesheet Defines an XSL/T stylesheet inside a XUL document that creates a XUL fragment from XML data. Note, that you can embed XSL/T stylesheets anywhere in your XUL documents as long as the XSL/T stylesheet produced results fit in.
tab Defines a single tab for a tabbox.
tabs Defines a row of tabs for a tabbox to let you switch between pages.
tabbox Defines a box that displays tabbed pages.
table Defines an HTML table.
tabpanel Defines an individual page for a tabbox.
tabpanels Holds a set of pages in a tabbox.
td Defines a table cell inside a table row.
text Defines a single line plain text input box. For multi line text input boxes see <textarea> .
textarea Defines a multi line plain text input box. For single line text input boxes see <text> .
tr Defines a table row that holds table data.
tree Defines a tree to display data in a hierachy using Swing's JTree.
toolbar Defines a toolbar that holds buttons for fast single-click access.
toolbarbutton Defines a toolbar button.
toolbarseparator Defines a toolbar separator that divides toolbar buttons into sections.
vbox Defines a box that lays out its children vertically, that is, from top to bottom.
xul Luxor's one and only root tag.

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