The Future of the Web: Rich Clients, Rich Browsers, Rich Portals

A Look at XUL, XForms, Curl, Rebol and other emerging technologies

Gerald Bauer (Chairman, CEO, CFO and CTO of Me, Myself & I, Inc.)
Vancouver XML Developers Association (VanX) Talk, March 2003

Table of Contents

Rich Clients, Rich Browsers, Rich Portals

Who is this guy?

Agenda - The Road Ahead

Why Rich Clients? Why Rich Browsers? Isn't Dynamic HTML (aka HTML, DOM, JavaScript) enough?

Rich Client/Browser Architecture: Beyond Hairballs and Spaghetti Code

One Language Can't Do It All. Prefer the single-purpose languages below to general-purpose languages such as Java, C# or Shark.

Building Block What for?
Why XHTML? Rich (Styled) Hypelinked Text
Why XUL (XML User Interface Language)? Rich Widget Set (such as menus, toolbars, forms, datagrids, trees, and so on)
Why SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)? Rich 2D Graphics (such as charts, maps, logos, and so on)
Why XForms? Form Data Submission (XML In, XML Out), Auto-Fill, Pre-Fill, and more
Why CSS (Cascading Stylesheets)? Visual Styling for XHTML, XUL and SVG
Why Python? Scripting
Why XPath? XML Tree Node Addressing
Why SQL? Data Queries, Updates, Inserts, Deletes, etc.
Why String Tables? Internationalization
Why Velocity, XSL-T? Templates

XML is not ... / The "Golden Hammer" Fallacy

Golden Hammer - When you have a hammer in your hand, everything starts to look like a nail.

Don't get swamped away in the XML craze. XML has limits and is not the magic bullet that will solve everything from world hunger, to peace in the Middle East to folding your laundry and cleaning your carpet.

Celebrating 10 Years of HTML Forms

<form action="" method="GET">
  <input type="text" name="q" />
  <input type="submit" value="Go" />

HTML Forms Widget Set (=Form Controls) Brush Up

Syntax Describtion
<textarea></textarea> Multi-line textbox
<select></select> Drop-Down listbox; (specify values using <option>)
<input type="text"> Single-line textbox
<input type="password"> Single-line masked textbox obscuring chars
<input type="checkbox"> Checkbox
<input type="radio"> Radio button
<input type="hidden"> Hidden value
<input type="image"> Image (auto-submits on mouse click)
<input type="button"> Button (triggers script on mouse click)
<input type="submit"> Button submitting form
<input type="reset"> Button clearing/reseting form
<input type="file"> Single-line textbox plus browse button to choose filename

HTML 4.0 Form Tags Additions

<fieldset> groups input controls (similar to <div>)
<label> assigns a label to an input control
<legend> assigns a caption to a fieldset/groupbox

Summary: Nothing New; Tags Improve Accessiblity

What's wrong with HTML Forms?

What are XForms?

XForms Widget Set (=Form Controls)

10 widgets; yes, that's all folks

XForms HTML Description
<input> <input type="text"> Single-line textbox; or if bound to datatype lets you enter date, time, and so on using a pop-up calendar or other helpers
<textarea> <textarea> Multi-line textbox
<secret> <input type="password"> Single-line masked textbox obscuring chars
<output> - Displays calculated, read-only text
<range> - Slider to "visually" select a value (e.g. volume control)
<upload> <input type="file"> Upload file or get data from scanner, digital camera, microphone, video or other device
<trigger> <button> Button
<submit> <input type="submit"> Submit form data
<select> <select multiple="true"> or <input type="checkbox"> Multiple choice (select zero, one or many options); offering three styles: minimal, compact and full (drop-down, list, checkboxes)
<select1> <select> or <input type="radio"> Single choice (must select one and one option only)

XForms In Action - Example

<html xmlns=""
    <title>XHTML plus XForms Example</title>
    <xforms:model id="search">
       <xforms:submission action="" />
  <p>More than two billion pages in store</p>
  <xforms:input ref="q">
    <xforms:label>Search For:</xforms:label>

XForms Goodies

Form data separated from form controls (that is, no hard-coded values)

Before (HTML): Value hard-coded in form control

<input type="text" value="Hello Vancouver">

After (XForms): XPath expression "binds" value from XML doc to form control

<greeting>Hello Vancouver</greeting>
<input ref="greeting" />

New form control attributes such as required, read-only, hint, alert, etc.

XML In, XML Out; form data submitted as structured data (aka XML)

XML In, XML Out - XForms Data Submission



Advanced XForms

What's wrong with XForms?

Whatch your language - plain-English, please; no academese or jaron-filled mumbo jumbo

trigger what's wrong with button?
secret what's wrong with password?
relevant what's wrong with if?
instanceData how about just plain data?
model how about something more concrete such as form?

Markup bloat; don't overdo tags; allow attribute shortcuts

  <label>Touch Me</label>


<trigger label="Touch Me" />

XML fever; don't replace scripting with bloated markup

  <label>Click To Recalculate</label>
  <action ev:event="xforms-active">


<trigger label="Click To Recalculate" onclick="recalculate()" />

Drop namespaces; ditch the useless bloat from core markup

<html xmlns=""
    <title>XHTML plus XForms Mumbo Jumbo</title>
    <xforms:model id="search">
       <xforms:submission action="" />


    <title>XHTML plus XForms Cleaned Up</title>
    <form id="search" action="" />

XForms Past, Present, Future

XForms Links

W3C XForms Spec

W3C XForms Site
Latest XForms News; Lists XForms Browsers; XForms Mailing List and more

Get Ready for XForms
IBM DeveloperWorks Article by Joel Rivera and Len Taing (IBM Research Summer Interns), September 2002

What are XForms? Article by Micah Dubinko (XForms Spec Editor, Cardiff San Jose)

O'Reilly XForms Essentials Book in Progress
by Micah Dubinko (XForms Spec Editor, Cardiff San Jose); upcoming sometime in mid-2003; text also available under GNU Free Documentation License

XForms in Mozilla
Bugzilla Bug# 97806 Tracks XForms Support In Mozilla

XHTML 2.0 Goodies

Links, Links, Everywhere

XHTML 2.0 has no more anchor (link) tag (that is, <a href="">). Instead you can turn every tag into a link using the href attribute.

Example: Hyperlinking Before Big Bang 2.0

  <a href="">VanX</a>

Example: Hyperlinking After Big Bang 2.0

<li href="">VanX</li>

XHTML 2.0 Style Hyperlinking In The Real-World

Usage Examples in Luxor XUL

<menuitem label="The Richmond Post" href="" />
<menuitem label="XUL Tag Reference" href="chrome://tagref/index.html" target="help" />


<button label="About Me" href="" />
<button label="Memory Usage" href="portal:memory" target="top" />

XHTML 2.0 Links

W3C XHTML 2.0 Working Draft
W3C's Burn All Bridges (=Non-Backward Compatible/Legacy Free) Upcoming Official "HTML Killer" Scheduled for 2005 Includes SVG, XForms, XFrames and more

The Web's Future: XHTML 2.0: A Sneak Peek At The Changes
IBM DeveloperWorks Article by Nicholas Chase (President Chase and Chase), September 2002

What is Curl?

First Impression: Curl In Action

{curl 2.0 applet}

Ciao Vancouver!

{bold Ciao Vancouver!}
  {italic Ciao Vancouver!}
{bold font-style="underline", Ciao Vancouver!}

Second Impression: User-Defined Styles

{curl 2.0 applet}

|| Define mytitle style
{define-text-format public mytitle as text with

|| Now use it
{mytitle Ciao Vancouver!}

Third Impression: UI and 2D Graphics: Pie Chart Example

{curl 2.0 applet}

{HBox spacing=4mm, background="beige",

Last Impression: Curl Form

{import * from CURL.IO.HTTP}

{let name:TextField    = {TextField max-chars=50, value="Ogopogo" },
     address:TextField = {TextField max-chars=50, value="77 Okanaga Lake" },
     city:TextField    = {TextField max-chars=50, value="Kamloops" }

{define-proc {do-submit}:void

  let form-data:HttpFormData = {new HttpFormData}
  {form-data.append {new HttpFormStringParam, "name", name.value }}
  {form-data.append {new HttpFormStringParam, "address", address.value }}
  {form-data.append {new HttpFormStringParam, "city", city.value }}

  {{get-the-applet}.browse-url-form {url "./submit"}, form-data, method="post"}

     {row {cell Name:}      {cell {value name}}}
     {row {cell Address:}   {cell {value address}}}
     {row {cell City:}      {cell {value city}}}
     {row {cell colspan=2,
        {CommandButton label="Submit",
           {on Action do 

Curl Links

Official Curl Site
Curl Surge Labs; US Start-up in Boston; MIT spinoff

Curl Breaker Web Zine
Curl Online Magazine

Curl Examples
Curl Example Archive

Dmoz (Directory Mozilla) Curl Chapter
More Curl Links


Curl Bible
by Bruce Mount, Gary Gray and Nikhil Damle; 800 pages, John Wiley, ISBN: 0764549421, May 2002

What is Rebol?

First Impression: Rebol In Action

Commentary: Window with white background and image on top. If you click on the image, you browse to the Rebol website.

view layout [
    backcolor white
    image [

Rebol Links

Official Rebol Site

Dmoz (Directory Mozilla) Rebol Chapter
More Rebol Links


Rebol For Dummies
by Ralph Roberts, 408 pages, John Wiley, ISBN: 0764507451, September 2000

Rich Client Example - Explore the Amazon

Amazon Browser - Thinlet XUL Edition

Robert Bajzet's Thinlet - the world's tiniest XUL engine squeezed into a 26 k jar - sports an Amazon browser that you can fire off using Web Start to browse the bookshelfs at Amazon.

Amazon Browser - Mozilla XUL Edition

Widget Galore - "Eclipse UI" Widget Set Sampling

Widgets, Widgets, Widgets - SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit)

Widget Comments
Button includes radio, toggle and checkbox
Composite similar to box or panel or container
CoolBar, CoolItem similar to a toolbar
Group similar to a titled box or groupbox with caption
Menu, MenuItem
Sash similar to a splitter dividing a box into two
Scale similar to slider
Shell similar to window or frame or dialog
TabFolder, TabItem similar to tabbox
Table, TableColumn, TableItem
Text includes single-line, multi-line and password
ToolBar, ToolItem
Tree, TreeItem

Misc Widgets: Caret, Tracker

Ready-Made Standard Dialogs: ColorDialog, DirectoryDialog, FileDialog, FontDialog, MessageBox, PrintDialog

Cross-Platfrom UI Toolkits

The Oldie

The Big Three: Classic Desktop OS

The Big Two: Modern Network OS

The Tk Story

The Qt Story

The wxWindows Story

The Gtk+ Story

Platforms: OS Galore

Classic Desktop OS

The Big Three

The Fringe

Modern Network OS

The Big Three

Mobile Devices OS

Cross-Platform UI Toolkits: Write Once, Run Anywhere

Pick Your OS (Beyond Windows)

Linux Mac Windows
Qt Yes Yes (Non-Free) Yes (Non-Free)
wxWindows Yes ? Yes
Gtk+ Yes ? So-So

Pick Your Language (Beyond C/C++)

Python Mono (C-Sharp) Java
Qt PyQt Qt# ?
wxWindows wxPython wxNet ?
Gtk+ PyGtk Gtk# ?

UI Toolkit Criteria:

XML for UIs - Qt Designer Example

XUL Version

<window id="Form1">
    <label value="Luxor Rocks" />
      <button id="PushButton1"  label="Big Time" />
      <button id="PushButton2"  label="Yup" />

Qt Designer XML UI Version

    <property stdset="1">
        <property stdset="1">
                <property stdset="1">
                    <string>Luxor Rocks</string>
                <property stdset="1">
                        <property stdset="1">
                            <string>Big Time</string>
                        <property stdset="1">

XML for UIs - Glade Example

XUL Version

<window id="window1">
    <label value="Luxor Rocks"/>
      <button id="button1" label="Big Time"/>
      <button id="button2" label="Yup"/>

Glade XML UI Version



      <label>Luxor Rocks</label>


	<label>Big Time</label>


Why XUL? Do More With Less (Lines of Code)

Productivity Case Study: Markup vs. Scripting vs. Hard-Core Programming

XUL version

<window title="Salve" onclosing="exit()">
  <button label="Ciao Vancouver" style="width: 200; height: 50;" onclick="exit()" />

Python version

import java.lang as lang
import javax.swing as swing

def exit( event ): 

frame = swing.JFrame( 'Salve', windowClosing=exit )
button = swing.JButton( 'Ciao Vancouver', preferredSize=(200,50), actionPerformed=exit )
frame.contentPane.add( button )

Java version

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class CiaoVancouver extends JFrame
   public CiaoVancouver( String title )
      super( title );

      addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() {
         public void windowClosing( WindowEvent ev )
      } );

      JButton button = new JButton( "Ciao Vancouver" ); 
      button.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 200, 50 ) );
      button.addActionListener( new ActionListener() {
         public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent ev )
      } );

      getContentPane().add( button );     

   public void exit()
      System.exit( 0 );

   public static void main( String args[] )
      CiaoVancouver frame = new CiaoVancouver( "Salve" );


C++ version Spare me the pain.

Assembler version Anyone?

Industry Giants At Work: Pushing Their Own Agenda

Who's pushing XUL? How about you. Join the Free World and help secure a rich internet for everyone.

Inside Redhell: What's the Politburo up to?

Internet Exploder Frozen Since 1999 - No New Features

Forget XUL Use Micropoly Windows Forms
Forget SVG Use Micropoly Windows GDI+
Forget XForms Use Micropoly Office InfoPath (XDocs)
Forget XHTML (2.0) Use Micropoly Office Word
Forget XML Build Tools Use Micropoly Visual Studio

and so on

Conclusio: New features added to Windows or Office using patentend, closed-source, single-vendor technology. Avoid XML formats use APIs or binary formats instead for maximum vendor lock-in.

Let a Thousand Browsers Bloom

You're special. Demand Your Own Browser.

Gecko Family

KHTML Family

Luxor Family

Project Eldorado - Gold, Gold, Gold - Kicking Off A New Stampede

Rich Browser Propelled by Luxor - Upcoming Fall 2003

How does Eldorado outshine existing Java browsers?

UI Toolkit Links


Trolltech Qt


Python Bindings





Mono Bindings







UI Designer Links

Glade / Gtk+

Qt Designer / Qt

Theodore / Thinlet

Background Reading - Articles Online


Charming Python: Tk programming in Python
Tips for beginners using Python's GUI library by David Mertz, December 2000

An Introduction to Tkinter
by Fredrik Lundh, 1999


Qt and PyQt: An advanced GUI library for Python
by Boudewijn Rempt and David Mertz, February 2003

GUI Programming with Python: QT Edition
by Boudewijn Rempt, 2001


Using the Eclipse GUI outside the Eclipse Workbench, Part 1
Using JFace and SWT in stand-alone mode:Building a simple file explorer application by Adrian Van Emmenis, January 2003

That's it - The Future Just Happened

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