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December 2003 Archives

Installer DeLux Project Kicked Off (Create Installers Using XUL and Ant)

R. Dale Asberry (of Judy project fame) has kicked off the Installer DeLux project chartered to create an installation toolkit that you can easily customize and extend thanks to XUL and Ant.

Dale writes:

The documentation is sparse, I've not created an Ant build script, and it's fairly incomplete... but if you are interested, you can grab the sources off of CVS. The project relies on AspectJ too so if you don't have Eclipse, you may want to wait until I have a proper release built.

Full story @

posted by Gerald Bauer on December 24, 2003
Luxor XUL Now Sports External CSS Stylesheets

Luxor Kernel Hacker Extraordinaire Anakrewn Meidis jazzed up Luxor's CSS support.

You no longer need to squeeze all CSS style properties into an XML style attribute, but now you can also use inline styles using the <style> tag or use external stylesheets.

I've uploaded Anakrewn's mega patch to the luxor-contrib site so you can use it right away and don't need to hang on until everything gets folded into the main branch.

Grab the luxor-css package to get started today.

posted by Gerald Bauer on December 18, 2003
Rethinking Luxor XUL - Calculator Next Generation Case Study Online

Denis Cardon who leads the rearchitecture of Luxor's Swing branch has written up a tech paper that shows off the new event handling and data mapping using the calculator tutorial example.

Denis has completely rewritten the calculator tutorial example using the new model so you can try it out and tell us what you think. Please, join the luxor-xul-user mailinglist and share your comments.

Full story @

PS: You can grab a copy of the Calculator NG package at the luxor-contrib download area. (Look for the calc-tutorial/swingtest.tar.gz package.)

posted by Gerald Bauer on December 16, 2003
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